Lenovo Welcome - Onboarding

Lenovo Welcome is an application that appears to new Lenovo device owners with over 400K daily activations. When a user first starts their new device they go through the Microsoft Onboarding and then the Lenovo Onboarding for Consumer, Small Business, and Legion devices. I redesigned the application based on experience, research, customer feedback, user testing, and strategizing with the product owner.




Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, Usertesting.com, Qualtrics, Design System, and After Effects


Lead UX/UI Designer, Researcher, and Collaborator across a cross-functional global team

Where the journey began…

The Complexity

Lenovo Welcome is experiencing a decline in users completing the end-to-end onboarding experience. Which has resulted in less product registration, warranty upgrades, accepting free offers, and partner initiatives. Current experience doesn’t clearly and quickly communicate value, educate the user, or offer them a personalized experience. After noticing that 84% of users drop after the first initial start-up of Lenovo Welcome resulting in a decline in users completing the end-to-end onboarding experience. And product registration is not included in the Lenovo onboarding and only 3.7% of users register their device while going through Microsoft’s onboarding where they are able to register. The voice of the customer wasn’t being heard or understood which needed to be investigated in order to deliver a memorable experience to all users.

The Opportunity

It should be obvious what Lenovo Welcome can do for the end-user, along with allowing them to discover more about their device without pushing offers or services that are not relevant to them.

  • Creating an impactful and seamless experience for the end-user by offering them ways to discover more about their device in a memorable and personalized solution.
  • Creating personas to better understand what our users are looking for.
  • Improve monetization by offering users valued offers.
  • Making product registration readily available to help improve customer experience through the complete product cycle.

Above: Original layout of the full Lenovo Welcome Experience.


Competitor Analysis

Understanding Lenovo’s competitor helps inform design decisions but also adds to the overall product strategy. It also uncovers opportunities to set yourself apart from the competition. The competitors that were analyzed were Dell, HP, Acer, and Apple. This was done by purchasing each device and documenting each step along with screenshots. Along with researching reviews, and listening to the customer’s voice to understand pain points, etc.


Several research studies were launched to understand the users better and to benchmark the current Lenovo Welcome experience. Below is a list of the studies and additional research done. The research plans were created by myself or with the assistance of the research team.

  • Understanding what is a valuable offering to users
    Participants: 30 PC users
    Utilized usertesting.com
    Task base and verbal response
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • Discoverability of product registration
    Participants: 30 PC users
    Utilized usertesting.com
    Task base and verbal response
  • Value of current onboarding experience
    Participants: 30 PC users
    Utilized usertesting.com
    Task base and verbal response
  • Understanding the users’ behavior
    Utilized Microsoft Client Portal and data being pulled from the Lenovo Welcome application.
  • Understanding the type of users, usage, and device types
    Utilized Microsoft Client Portal and data being pulled from the Lenovo Welcome application. Along with a qualitative survey sent out to over 300 participants using Qualtrics.


Now it was time to compile the research and make sense of the common patterns, pain points to address, and identify the users. I also assessed the current design and came up with additional UX recommendations. After defining a short to long-term proposed roadmap backed by data and UX/UI design principles it was presented to stakeholders and executives to get their buy-in on the recommendations. This was an iterative process throughout the journey.

  • Users Identified
    To personalize their experience
  • Lack of Lenovo branding
    Adhering to Lenovo branding brings trust, continuity, relation and connection with users.
  • Value and personalization
    Improve monetization by offering users valued offers and available applications.
  • Product Registration
    Offering product registering within Lenovo Welcome to aid with Customer Experience
  • Quick, resourceful and effective
    Users understand the importance of onboarding but want to start using their new device immediately.

Provisional Personas


Now that we have a good understanding of the user’s and business needs, along with the current state of the application we can begin creating wireframes and low-fidelity mock-ups of several solutions. During the ideation phase, I was very collaborative with the stakeholders and developers while working in two-week sprints. At each end of the sprint, I would present solutions and work through any technical limitations or concerns the teams may have.

The first iteration of a low-fidelity mock-up to start the conversation and brainstorming.

After the initial low-fidelity mock-ups, I realized we needed to take into consideration the type of device Lenovo Welcome was launching on, along with the type of user. Each device and sector had different branding and needs or wants.

For example the Legion device were for gamers and dark themed. Gamers wanted different offerings and I wanted to make sure the experience wasn’t jarring and valuable but yet educational too. Another example is Consumers, such as personal, educational or even business users used Chromebook, IdeaPad, Yoga devices and there branding was more light themed and there offerings would be much different than business or gaming.

You will see the design transform into more of a branded, personalized, and streamlined experience for all users. There are additional pain points that were discovered along the way that spun off additional work as well outside of Lenovo Welcome.


Below shows the Legion flow and also the Personal, Work, and Educational flow. Depending on the device the user has will depend on what version is shown to them. And then once the user chooses what best describes how they will be using their device is what type of offers and information will be shown to them minus if they already have one of the applications or offers installed.

Lenovo Welcome will appear immediately after the Microsoft Onboarding but the user can choose to access Lenovo Welcome later. Listed below are some improvements that have improved the experience.

  • Personalization
  • Compact, shortened, and memorable experience with the customer in mind
  • Lenovo branded
  • Product registration
  • In-app purchases for a warranty upgrade
  • Valuable free or subscription-based offers
  • Apps for You to download popular applications (downloaded in the background)
  • Discovery page to educate the user on their device

Gaming Theme

Personal and Business Theme


Through additional testing before and after launch here are some insights on how the new experience improved against the original benchmarked experience. Even though Lenovo Welcome launched, there were quarterly tests and metrics tracked to ensure the voice of the customer was being met.

  • Increased onboarding activations by 50% through overhauling Lenovo Welcome, an onboarding application with 400K+ daily activations.
  • The study discovered that 60% of participants didn’t realize they could register their device in MS OOBE but 87% of participants noticed that they could register their device in Lenovo Welcome.
  • The participants expressed that the Lenovo Welcome ‘Register your device’ was clear, concise, and very well perceived.
  • 80% of participants said they would complete FRE because they expressed how important it is to register their device.
  • Simple, short, and straightforward. Visually appealing. And much shorter than previously done. Not bloated either. Good experience and a big improvement. GOOD JOB! – happycritic
  • Participants that would complete the Lenovo Onboarding Experience and expressed the benefits of doing so. Such as warranty, personalization, interesting offers, value, and overall discovery of the device.